School’s Out!
This year, we’ve brought comedy, poetry and story to more schools than ever before. Here’s a look back at our stellar summer term and the achievements of writers from our school programmes…
Hitman Pat confesses all…
Writers at Swanlea School in Whitechapel and Bridge Academy in Hackney wrote original comedy sketches and saw them performed by professional comedy actors, in collaboration with Gem Ahmet and the BBC.

from Hitman Pat by Max and Sumeet
We met Hitman Pat and his estranged cat, saw an online delivery go horribly wrong and witnessed a heated government debate on the appropriate fairytale role model for our times.

Actors and writers
Watch this space for more comedy in autumn term…

Props props props
Another Day in the Life of Boat…
We were proud to launch three beautiful books by our young authors: We All Deserve a Life by Morpeth School and Ben Jonson Primary School, A Burning in Your Core by Westbridge Primary School and Ancient Kingdoms by St John the Baptist Primary School.

St John the Baptist anthology
These writers explored poetry, fictional diary writing and stories from the ancient Kingdoms of Sumeria, Wagadou and Hausaland.

from The Unfortunate Boat by Binyameen
Think of the World like a Human…
Writers at Bishop Challoner shared their opinions, experiences, hopes and fears at the Houses of Parliament, where they delivered passionate speeches on issues they care about, including climate change, Brexit, ‘generation skint’ and police brutality. They spoke to their local MP, Jim Fitzpatrick, and a room full of activists and supporters as part of our Speak Up programme, led by Keith Jarrett.
“Think of the world like a human. A 1-degree increase is a fever, a 2-degree increase is a high fever and a 3-degree increase is deadly. If these are the frightening facts, why is no one listening to them?”
– Brinet

Speak Up at the Houses of Parliament. Photo by Tom Oldham
Congratulations to all our writers! We hope you have a wonderful summer. Huge thanks to all the wonderful volunteer writing mentors who made this work possible, and to the amazing teachers we’re privileged to work with.